Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I think I'm jinxed!!

Hey, all!  Another day of thinking I was getting somewhere with the 'puter, fixing what I messed up yesterday and hoping to get to amending the shop listings. I actually WAS moving along fairly well and had reinstalled the program that malfunctioned after I messed it up yesterday when the 'puter started talking and telling me "switching to backup power" rather than the little alarm that used to sound.  Argh! We had a POWER OUTAGE.  I still can't believe it because it was still and quiet, and I didn't hear any alarms like there was an accident either. 

I first thought it would just be a few minutes as often happens, but it dragged on for the rest of the afternoon.  We could've BBQ'd the meat for our dinner, but I was dying for a cuppa ... and the thought of just meat and maybe some lettuce quickly grabbed from the fridge (don't keep that door open more than hafta, ya know!) wasn't appealing at all.  I guess it would've been had it included a cuppa....  

So we headed for town and Burger King. Ah, not so bad -- it was a change from our usual fare, and we stopped at the druggist for a refill I needed anyhow.  

By the time we got back home (wasting time and wandering around to do so), the power had returned.  Something happened to the phone with the outtage, though, so tomorrow the repair guy will come about that (not here, at the other place). I just hope there isn't a line down through the woods as that always means an extra day, unpleasant work for the repair guys, and more need to be away from here and accomplishing what I *should* be doing.  

That couple/few days of warm to hot weather we had a week or so ago really spoiled us ... as well as the plant life.  Everything popped out and is glorious, but we've had frost the last two nights now.  I think another is expected tonight.  The lilacs are incredible this year and nearly drooping from the huge amount of blossoms, and even the frosts haven't seemed to hurt them like usually happens.  

I was so intent that I'd work at the 'puter and get things done as needed that I "forbade" myself to knit yesterday and again today.  Gee, it was like withdrawal!!!  When the power went out, though, I plugged myself into the MP3 and knitted away happily ... trying very hard to push away that wouldn't-quit craving for a cuppa.  :P

Guess tomorrow I'll go back to a no knit day 'cause I've gotta get things straightened on here as well as do the maintenance that's ridiculously behind ... plus if I don't soon do laundry we will be unable to leave the house as nothing will be remotely presentable! I'm glad I wasn't doing that when the power went, though, as that's a real bite and aggravation. Hopefully the phone repair doesn't keep me away too very much.  

That's the blab for now! Smiles to y'all!

The Knitwit

Note: My current extra prayer/support list is:

- Lovlee, Rikki, and her family
- Donna, Marley and family
- Gloria
- Gypsy Froggie
- Jacky ... where are you, girl?


Carole Sevilla Brown said...

You are so funny, FORBIDDING yourself from knitting! Sorry to hear your eloctronics are being such a pain in the butt!

Nora(Lazycrochet) said...

I hate to lose power, glad it doesn't happen very often up here. No frost, but lots of pretty flowers, even in my own yard. LOL

I have to crochet all the time like you knit so I do know what you mean. Even at the wound care center today, one of the gals said, where's your totebag as I hadn't got the latest project out of it.

Forever Creative said...

Aww THX I guess your prayers worked. She is OK!! AND I made it thru my presentations! Just gotta work on those papers.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!