Friday, May 29, 2009

Ho Hum ... I'm so Boring! :P

Hey, all! I just can't believe it's Friday already and that two weeks have passed since I posted last. I guess I'm not much better at keeping up here as I am elsewhere. :P In my defense, I will say that last week was a bad anniversary week; and I'm always quiet then. The frustrations I talked about in "The Best Laid Plans" continue, so I started working at some things I COULD affect.  

This past Wednesday was what I call "Three Ring Circus" day ... the yearly checkup appointment for our three kitties. I take them together 'cause it's cheaper, but it really is insane managing them at once. This year I was totally amazed, though, because they were much calmer than ever before. They still "sang" me there and back and were scared, frustrated, mad, etc.; but it's almost like they finally realized that we ARE going there whether they put up a fuss or not. Though exhausted, I actually arrived home without medicine, urine or poo all over my clothes, and their travel boxes were clean!  

I got a lousy feeling last week that I had better take extra and more consistent care with backing up my 'puter 'cause I push it so hard and have it crammed with so much that it would be a complete disaster if it were to crash or need servicing. So I spent quite a while setting up two exterior hard drives, either one of which can now be plugged into Bobby's 'puter if mine bites the dust. I'll still be able to function even if a bit awkward, keep an eye on the shop and lessen the lost-time damage of mine being down. It would be terrible if someone I don't know wrote me at the shop or bought something, and I was outta commission due to a bum 'puter. So I took care of that this week.  

I also thought it was high time I scanned the pics that belong to my cousin so that I can give them back to him. It's not right for me to let them sit here and not be working at them. I wanted to use my old scanner for this as it's easier than the neato 3-in-1 machine my Da got me, but it was hooked to the laptop that just refused to boot. Every time I cleared one error, another would occur. Then it reported missing several files, and heaven only knows where they went or why they'd suddenly be gone when everything seemed fine the last time it was running. Makes no sense. So I figured I'd hook the scanner to the 'puter. I fussed around with the wires which I've always got secured and bound together in bunches, and freeing those was a job in itself. After I hooked it up, I fussed for more hours trying to get a driver that would run it. Nope, it will not work with anything after Windows ME. Argh! So, I switched all the wires back and fussed with the laptop again only to have it get worse and worse rather than better. I finally figured it was better to just reconfigure and start fresh with it.  

Today's main chore was to do that -- reload Windows onto the laptop and get the scanner re-installed and running. Who'd have thought it would take all day (and I DO mean all day), and that it still isn't right. Toshiba thought they were so smart that they "tailored" Windows to their wishes, rendering some of the normal functions unusable and forcing those things to be done via Toshiba's programming. I learned to live with it, but now it's messing up the reconfigure to the point that I may not be able to ever get it loaded properly enough to use the machine at all. What a bite. I will fuss with it more tomorrow......  

Well, I guess that's the news here. Pretty boring, I know. But better to tell ya boring than for ya to wonder where I am, right?

I send y'all smiles!

The Knitwit

Note: My current extra prayer/support list is:
- Lovlee, Rikki, and her family
- Gloria
- Gypsy Froggie (cripes, girl! I DO intend to write ya!)
- Jacky (still hoping you pop up!)


Carole Sevilla Brown said...

Yay, you're back!!!!! Seriously, you need to do some special work with the Goddess Electra because your electronics are whacked! Light her a few candles, burn some sage, dance naked under the full moon.....something's gotta work, right?

Anyway,it's so good to see you back on here! I missed you while you were gone......

nora said...


I know what you mean about the laptop. I've given mine to DH to play the games on as it refused to boot up, took about twenty minutes each time, then files weren't there. Next one if I get another will be a Dell.

Glad to know you are doing ok as I check the blog every day to see what's new with you.

